Housing Trust Fund Pre-Application

There are three ways to file a Housing Trust Fund application:

  1. Fill out the application (below) and submit online
  2. Print and fill out a paper application (Application in English and Spanish)
  3. Come to our office (903 East Main Street, Marshalltown, IA 50158) for a printed application

Refer to our Region 6 Housing Trust Fund page for more information on income limits and the types of work we fund.

This pre-application does not guarantee assistance. Further applicant information will need to be obtained later. Limited funds are available through the trust fund. Housing trust fund resources will not duplicate other forms of assistance, insurance, and other program aid. This program is funded by the State of Iowa and funds from local counties.

(The Housing Trust Fund can only cover exterior improvements to your home such as the roof, soffits, fascia, gutters and downspouts, siding, windows, and doors. The fund can also cover some emergency improvements such as furnances, ramps that enable essential entry to a house for a limited mobility household member, or water/sewer lines. The fund CANNOT cover items like fences, decks, garages, or air conditioners.)
(Income is household income for all people living in the house 18 and over. The maximum allowable income is 80% of the county median as defined by HUD. See income limits for assistance based on household size and county here: https://www.region6resources.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/R6-HTF-2024Guidelines.pdf)
(Income includes paychecks, salaries including overtime and bonuses, social security, disability, unemployment, alimony, child support, pension, or received retirement benefits.)
(Note that any home that is being rented is not eligible for assistance.)
(Note that land contract homebuyers are not eligible for assistance unless refinanced)
(Note that insurance is required, if we provide any assistance)
(If you had insurance on your property and the insurance payout does not appear to be enough to cover your damages, please include a copy of the insurance payment documentation. You can also stop by our office and we will make copies of that insurance payment paperwork. This will greatly help us with the processing.)

Applications will be accepted continuously, placed on a waiting list, and reviewed on a first-come, first-served basis as funding is available.