Peoplerides offers a variety of route and demand response trips in Hardin, Marshall, Poweshiek, and Tama Counties.
All routes and demand response trips are priced per direction.
Marshall County Rate Information
Demand Response Trips
In Town – Marshalltown: $15.00*
Paratransit – Marshalltown: $2
Unity Point Subsidized – Marshalltown: $8
Out of Town Demand Response trips: $2.89 per mile**
In Town – Marshalltown: $6.50
Out of Town: $2.89 per mile**
*Must apply for Paratransit in Marshalltown or be going to Unity Point Hospital/Clinic to ride. To apply for Paratransit in Marshalltown, complete the ADA Paratransit Application available here:
**Out of town rides based on $2.89 per mile. Miles determined from residence to destination using Google Maps ( from address to address. Only miles where the passenger is on board shall be used for this calculation.
Updated 7/25/2023
Hardin County Rate Information
Demand Response Trips
In Town – Iowa Falls: $3.00
Iowa Falls – Alden: $5.00
Out of Town Demand Response trips: $2.89 per mile**
In Town – Iowa Falls: $3.00
Iowa Falls to Access, Hampton: $9.00
Out of Town: $2.89 per mile
**Out of town rides based on $2.89 per mile. Miles determined from residence to destination using Google Maps ( from address to address. Only miles where the passenger is on board shall be used for this calculation.
Updated 7/25/2023
Poweshiek County Rate Information
Demand Response Trips
In Town – Grinnell: $3.00
Out of Town Demand Response trips: $2.89 per mile**
In Town – Grinnell: $3.00
Out of Town: $2.89 per mile**
**Out of town rides based on $2.89 per mile. Miles determined from residence to destination using Google Maps ( from address to address. Only miles where the passenger is on board shall be used for this calculation.
Updated 7/25/2023
Tama County Rate Information
Demand Response Trips
In Town – Tama/Toledo: $5.00
Tama/Toledo Medical Taxi Service 9:30 AM – 1:30 PM,
Wednesday SHOPPING day $3.00
Out of Town Demand Response trips: $2.89 per mile**
In Town – Tama/Toldeo: $3.00
Out of Town or off route: $2.89 per mile**
**Out of town rides based on $2.89 per mile. Miles determined from residence to destination using Google Maps ( from address to address. Only miles where the passenger is on board shall be used for this calculation.
Updated 7/25/2023
Marshalltown to Des Moines Shuttle – First Tuesday of each month, Cost is $10 each way ($20 total) (Suspended effective 12/15/22)
Marshalltown to Iowa City Shuttle – First Thursday of each month, Cost is $10 each way ($20 total) (Suspended effective 12/15/22)
24 hour advanced notice is required
Estimated pickup time from Marshalltown to Des Moines will be 8:00 AM
Estimated pickup time from Marshalltown to Iowa City will be 7:30 AM
Firm pickup times will be given the day prior to departure and may be earlier or later, depending on the number of clients riding.
ETA: to both destinations is 9:30 AM.
Return: scheduled return will be no later than 3:30 PM. (We will return earlier if all clients are done with their appointments.)