Region 6 Transportation Grant Funds Available

Region 6 Resource Partners will be accepting applications for the FY 2026 to 2029 Region 6 Transportation Improvements Program. The estimated available federal transportation Surface Transportation Program grant funding that is not obligated/approved for any projects is about $2.3 million in FY 2026, about $1.8 million in FY 2027, about $4.8 million in FY 2028, and about $3.0 million in FY 2029. The estimated funds that are available from FY 2026 to 2029 is $11,900,000.

Please note that the local government priority for most of the transportation funds are road improvements, but some of the above funds must be used for the transportation alternatives group. Note that we are also accepting new Transportation Alternative Program applications at this time. Estimated available funding (not currently programmed) for the FY 2026 to 2029 years is about $566,000.

Eligible activities for the transportation fund include these three groups:

Road/Highway and Bridges Group

  • Road projects must be on roads with a federal functional classification of Minor Collector or higher in rural areas, all Farm-to-Market routes, and Collector or higher in Marshalltown, Iowa Falls, and Grinnell. Please contact Marty Wymore to determine whether a project is eligible. In Cities less than 5,000 people the only routes are typically the farm to market connectors and extensions, but please contact us for more information.
  • Every project must have a licensed engineer to assist with the federal aid process.

Transit Group

  • Acquisition and rehabilitation of transit vehicles, buildings, and other capital equipment.

Transportation Alternatives Group

  • • Transportation alternatives activities. The projects shall include recreational trails; infrastructure and non-infrastructure safe routes to school projects (2 miles from K-12 schools); historic preservation of historic transportation facilities; construction of turnouts, overlooks, and viewing areas; and other allowed transportation alternative program activities. Contact Region 6 for a full list of eligible projects. The TAP application provided here will need to be used.

Please send the applicable attached application for the Region 6 Transportation program by 4:00 p.m., March 13, 2025, by email to Marty Wymore, Region 6 Planning Commission, 903 E. Main Street, Marshalltown, Iowa 50158; telephone 641-752-0717; or email . Applicants who are not very familiar with this funding are strongly encouraged to contact Region 6 to review their project(s). Region 6 staff can assist with application preparation, if needed. Applicants will be informed after the application date when the applications will be reviewed by the Region 6 Transportation Committee.

We are here to assist you in accessing these funds for qualified projects.

Region 6 TAP Application Form:

Region 6 Transportation Application Form: